Ins. II.6 (left) and II.7 (around the corner), Herculaneum. May 2010. Entrance doorways.
II.6/7, Herculaneum, June 2008.
Looking south-west towards corner of Cardo III, lower left, and Decumanus Inferiore, on right. Photo courtesy of Nicolas Monteix.
Ins. II.7, Herculaneum, on right. May 2010.
Decumanus Inferiore, looking east across junction with Cardo III Superiore on left, Inferiore on right.
Taken between Ins. VII on left, Ins. II.7 on right, looking east.
II.7/6 Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking south towards bar room.
II.7/6 Herculaneum, October 2014. Looking south to entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.
II.7/6, Herculaneum, June 2008. Looking south from Decumanus Inferiore. Photo courtesy of Nicolas Monteix.
II.7/6 Herculaneum, May 2006.
Looking south to entrance doorway, with doorway at II.6 to be seen on the left. Photo courtesy of Nicolas Monteix.
II.7/6 Herculaneum, September 2014. Looking south towards entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Larry Turner.
II.7/6 Herculaneum, May 2001. Looking south towards entrance
doorway. Photo courtesy of
Current Archaeology.
II.7/6 Herculaneum, May 2001. Looking south across counter
in bar room with 7 inset dolia. Photo
courtesy of Current Archaeology.